Friday, October 2, 2009

Mind Field Lund // Mosaïc::Region // The Map Collection

When we in 2007 swept through the mosaic region we found that the city of Lund just had published its debate program for 2020. There they asked themselves about the future of speed networks, the growth direction, their regional and local importance - and so they became a part of 'everything that comes within our reach' in the mosaic. The urban area between Malmö and Lund is brimming with the region's research and landscape competence. With a local population in search of a sustainable future, we highlight Mind Field Lund as a proactive study of a landscape, going from one state to another - a possible new form of urbanity in the mosaic. In such an exploration of a new urban landscape potential, each farm can be regarded as a laboratory for a new urban topography - observation posts in dialogue with the latent information in the field's knowledge base. In the Metro Ring's availability network, this new urban landscape experiment platform becomes a possible attraction of the first order. The tentative statements in the map 'Thought Field Lund' is taken from the research fields of SLU.