Wednesday September 8: Performing Northern Experiments
Northern Experiments is 0047’s ongoing program on the High North and the spatial consequences and possibilities of the increased activity and international interest in this part of the world. In the context of the “At work with” program, 0047 has invited a series of lecturers to shed light on this theme.
VENICE: 2PM Knut Eirik Dahl, professor, Dahl&Uhre, Kelly Doran, architect LRA and Øystein Rø, director 0047
read more
Monday, September 6, 2010
“at work with 0047. La Biennale di Venezia 2010”
Labels: dialogue, in english
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Nuuk // summer laboratory of the young at heart
Klik på billedet for at få en appetizer for diskussion med med unge nuummiutere omkring Nuuks fremtid - byen de i fremtiden skal vende hjem til.
Klik her for at downloade hele diskussion.
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, in english
Friday, July 23, 2010
Five projects from our studio have been selected to be exhibited as part of AHO contribution to the 6th European Landscape Biennial in Barcelona. The INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF UNIVERSITY PROJECTS IN THE SCHOOLS OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE will be celebrated in the Technical School Superior of Architecture of Barcelona, from the 27th of September till the 15th of October of 2010.
See the pdfs here:
> SOS JÆREN / (+doc)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Writings on the Wall
This exhibition in Nuuk, in one of the apartments that in time to come may be demolished and recirculated, is part of our story bord for the evolution of the project that D&U and TNT Nuuk is in the middle of making. Our line of work involves series of discussions and conversations on many levels within the Nuuk society: "They shall see what we hear" is one of our postulates that charges our work. The newspaper text titled "Nuuks strangest neighbour" is a dialogue with the project leader from the town planning office, Jakob Bjerg Exner, about his interpretations of the public viewpoints amd their writings on the wall.
Labels: Greenlandos d'Amour, in english
Friday, June 11, 2010
As part of AHO WORKS OUTLOOK Thursday June 10th, a number of awards was handed out to selected student projects from the Master Studios, in various categories. Our students at Appearing and Disappearing Landscapes got 2 of 8 awards for Architecture and Landscape.
The projects are nominated by the courses, whereas the winners are selected by a jury concisiting of external practicioners and representants of the sponsors.
The design jurors is Kaja Misvær from Designit and Jørgen Solstad of Kadabra, whereas the jury of architecture/landscape is Eli Goldstein and Patrick Lueth.
The winning projects will be displayed in AHOs Gallery 11-18. June 2010.
Kemppe (Mats K. Johansen) got the award for Excellence in transportation architecture (The Norwegian Public Roads Administration)
And Simona Robba got the award for Exellence in energy efficiency and sustainability in architecture (The Low Energy Programme)
Congratulations Simona and Kemppe with your prizes at the exhibition of all master studio projects - AHO Works. I have got a series of smses about this just now, me beeing in Tromsø. I am so proud. We will be back on this blog with photos from the AHO prize ceremony, the jurys arguments for the prizes etc, and the students own commentaries
The notion "Stavanger and Jæren is the prisoner of the Norwegian economical Landscape" was invented by one of the students. This expression describes both the field of study in our master landscape studio and the character of exploitation of resources in the region. The footprint of oil economy has reached its peak and represent a disappearing landscape.
15 students from seven countries has during the semester developed a new cartography of this territory in transition, reformulated landscape structures and systems and tested this out through a specter of concepts. The studio has evolved through five themes encircling this field, exploring layers of information with the intention of charging the Jæren landscape and seascape with new energy. This thematic journey has created a comprehensive matrix of information on the appearing landscape, highly informed by another journey over 10 000 km creating 11 studios of conversation on our way through Jæren and Greenland, in the footprints of Eirik Raude. It is the sustainable urban territory of our time that is tentatively measured through this studio.
Look at Henriettes album from the studio exhibition. Originally posted at the studio-blog: appearing-and-disappearing-landscapes.
Labels: landscape as architecture
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The Spiritual Realm and Grey Town by Pivers // Guest
The school is closed, the teachers is on strike, Iver (14) is at home, drawing...
Ivers deviantart profile
Labels: guest
Saturday, May 8, 2010
gjensyn med BYEN I MENNESKET
Arkitekturutstillingen Byen i mennesket ble arrangert på Kunstnernes Hus i 1968. Kuratorer var de unge arkitektene Per Kartvedt og Terje Moe, og arrangør var Oslo Arkitektforening. Med utstrakt bruk av multimedia, eksperimentelle installasjonsteknikker og besøk av den britiske nyavantgardegruppen Archigram, ble utstillingen en stor mediebegivenhet. Dagspressen trykket både forhåndsomtaler og intervjuer med utstillingens kuratorer og med Archigram, mens Arkitektnytt produserte den flotte katalogen. Utstillingen ble også en publikumssuksess. Men til tross for dette snudde pressedekningen idet utstillingen åpnet: Byen i mennesket ble utsatt for et massivt angrep fra kritikere og landets arkitekter, både i avisanmeldelser og gjennom leserbrev i Arkitektnytt. Budskapet var at utstillingen sviktet den folkeopplysningsagenda og profesjonspropaganda en arkitekturutstilling måtte ha. Deretter forsvant utstillingen ut av historien, og har ikke vært nevnt på over 40 år.
Arrangementet Gjensyn med Byen i Mennesket vil hente frem utstillingen fra glemselen, og forsøker å finne ut hvordan en så banebrytende utstilling kunne misoppfattes så sterkt i sin samtid, og hvorfor den kunne bli borte fra den norske arkitekturhistorien.
OAF arrangerer kveldsmøte tirsdag 11.5 kl 1900. Kveldens program består av et innledningsforedrag om utstillingens tilblivelse og etterspill av Martin Braathen, forfatter av den ferske boken Alt er arkitektur! Neoavantgarde og institusjonskritikk i Norge 1965-1970. I denne boken spiller Byen i mennesket en sentral rolle som en arkitekturhistorisk begivenhet.
Få med dere Marthin Braathens bok og dette møtet:
Knut Eirik er en av Martins kilder og var ytterst tilstede i produksjonen av utstillingen.
Fra Kunstnernes hus, en sen natt i 68: Peter Cook til KED: "Are you one of the Sound Kings? Can you make our mobile work?" Utstillingen var stengt i tre dager, Stein Mehrens dikt "RØR" i Dagbladet var utløsende for gjennåpningen.
Alt er arkitektur! Neoavantgarde og institusjonskritikk i Norge 1965-70, Martin Braaten.
Labels: architecture, in norwegian, urbanism
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Graduation Works // guest blogger
April and spring mark the termination of one cycle and the start of a new school year in Japan. During March, the graduation projects of architecture students from the Tohoku region were exhibited in the Sendai Mediatheque (by Toyo Ito). This was an incredible opportunity to view and possibly understand what notions architecture in Japan bases itself on: how do the students approach architecture, how is architecture even defined, in what directions do the professors push, how does the process unfold from a fragile idea into a material reality? I could not help to but to be touched by the minute level of the models, as expected. Some were almost like miniature puppet-houses. For instance, one could take out a book in a bookshelf in a model in 1:200. I was amazed by the scale of some projects, calling to mind less fortune directions of architectural history. Nevertheless, it was impressive how the most challenging shapes were worked in detail and made overall functioning spaces. On a superficial level I would say that there is a general "style" that outlines itself. The likes of SANAA, Sou Fujimoto, Junya Ishigami, Atelier Bow Wow or Tezuka come to mind in the spatial expressions, the shapes and materials. Still, the most inspiring and impressive feature, in my opinion, is the sensitive ambition that fuel these graduation works. It seems like the Japanese students are looking for a "new nature", in the words of Ryue Nishizawa. They are not afraid of searching for the ways in which contemporary life is defined and architecture by extension. They innovate. Coming from a French school this is an aspiration I have never been encouraged to pursue. Certainly, there are some doubtful points: the negation of the context, houses without roofs and walls that seem to defy all laws of gravity. However, is not a part of the architectural education to experiment and to question conventions? How else can we move towards an architecture more in sync with our time? This exhibition was a very pleasurable and inspiring experience. Unfortunately, due to copy right issues I cannot post any pictures that directly depict projects. Please enjoy the peek.
Labels: guest, in english, Outlandos d'Amour
Friday, March 19, 2010
Innspill til arkitekturpolitikken
bildet er lånt fra
Nå kan du få med deg presentasjoner og videoer fra seminaret som ble avholdt 9. mars i Arkitektens Hus. Et sammensatt utvalg av blant annet NALs medlemmer presenterte innspill til arkitekturpolitikken.
Mange av innlederne fremhevet ansvaret offentlige bestillere og byggherrer har for å oppnå dette. Seminaret ble et viktig bidrag til det videre arbeidet med arkitekturpolitikken fra profesjonen som skal sette den ut i livet.
Se video: Knut Eiriks innlegg om EUROPAN i del 3: forbildeprosjekter
Labels: dialogue, Europan, in norwegian
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
11 informative conversations
Monday, March 15, 2010
When you hear music its gone in the air
It is the only two pages from my notebooks, that has been with me through all the studios we have set up through Jæren and Greenland, that is left in my position.
My computerbag with all technicalities and two completely filled notebooks where stolen from me in Oslo on Friday evening. As you know how much importance and confidence I place in the dialogue, and in the images that these dialogues create, can understand the complete loss I feel after this theft. Even the texts from the last dialogues with you is gone with the wind. But; Alice has made a beatifull poster, positioning this studios in two worlds we have been to and the notions and statements from them as stones in water with rings of knowledge, thouching each other, merging into each other. She has even blocks of texts from the studios. If I could ask for the moon: could each of you post on the blog a comment from one or two of the studios we set up in Jæren and Greenland and give your version of them, just some lines. That would be very good for me, and also for you I hope. A kind of rewriting of your and my learnings. Anything is very welcome - fex Gotfrieds five points from the IRIS studio, and Tarald Omas four columns of wisdom from the Ona Lighthouse studio. The heading "When you hear music its gone in the air" is from the Jazz musician Eric Dolphy. I am eagerly waiting for your small stories - thanks.
Labels: in english
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Protective Structures // guest blogger
Tandi Reason Dahl is studying architecture at Sendai university this year, she is also our guest blogger, We're looking forward to see more from her!
The pictures that follow are from gardens in Kyoto and Sendai. Much has been said about the Japanese garden, I can only add these photos as a token of my admiration for the absolute care and beauty invested in something as seemingly banal as a winter protection.
Labels: guest, in english, Outlandos d'Amour
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Galskapen i Hebron // guest blogger
Erik Skare fra Tromsø er i Palestina og Libanon fra 15. februar til 21. mars. Her skal han dra rundt å intervjue palestinere om deres situasjon, ta bilder og dokumentere okkupasjonen av palestinsk jord i prakis. Bilder og tekst er tatt og skrevet av Erik som er vår gjesteblogger mens han er på reise.
Prolog: 22. februar 2009 går Benyamin Netanyahu og resten av den høyreekstreme rasistregjeringa ut og sier at Abrahammoskeen skal klassifiseres som jødisk kulturarv. Dette er en fortsettelse av tidligere politikk hvor viktige muslimske helligdommer er blitt stengt av for muslimer. Raseriet blant palestinerne i Hebron eksploderer og gatekamper bryter ut. Flere og flere snakker om en tredje intifada.
Nå: Jeg er i Hebron for å besøke en gammel venn, Hashem Al Azzeh. Han er utenbys og kommer ikke tilbake før om en times tid så jeg står på et tak til en gammel dame som viser meg hvordan byen er blitt omringet av vakttårn og check points i det vi hører et gedigent smell og røyk siver opp fra en annen del av byen.
5 minutter senere er jeg noe andpusten etter å ha sprunget hele veien der, og ser gata fyllt med israelske soldater som springer rundt. Jeg spør palestinerne som er der "sho fi? (hva har skjedd?)".
"Barna var på vei hjem da de israelske soldatene begynte å skyte på dem. 2 er drepte og flere skadet". Dette viser seg senere å være rykter, men flere vinduer er knust og bildører er gjennomhullet etter at geværene. Jeg beveger meg oppover gata for å finne ut mer da helvette bryter løs.
Flere barn har samlet seg i gata og kaster stein mot de israelske okkupantsoldatene. Svaret er hardt og kontant: de skyter med alt de har av kuler, tåregass og såkalte "flashbang"-granater. Jeg springer oppover og tar bilder, og havner midt i skuddlinja mens steiner flyr forbi meg fra den ene siden og tåregassgranater fra den andre. Igjen er jeg vitne til den urettferdige og håpløse kampen mellom små barn som kaster stein som ikke en gang rekker fram til målet, og soldatene som skyter mot det som kort kan betegnes som forsvarsløse barn.
Jeg prøver å ta bilde av barna, men de viser med klart kroppspråk at hvis jeg ikke skal ta bilde av ansiktene og peker på stenene. Frykten for å de nattlige raidene fra de israelske soldatene, og de påfølgende arrestasjonene er store. Flere barn har i løpet av de siste dagene, uten lov og dom, blitt arrestert. Flere menneskerettighetsgrupper har dokumentert tortur av palestinske barn og barna vet like godt som dem at det kan skje med dem også.Soldatene presser guttene tilbake, og begynner og gå inn i husene. De får tak i en gutt på rundt 10 år, og mens de prøver å drege ham bort gråter han fortvilt mens foreldrene kjefter, roper og prøve å få ham løs. Til slutt slipper de israelske soldatene ham, men scenen som kommer opp er minst like tragisk. I sinne slenger faren gutten i bakken og banker ham brutalt opp med spark og harde slag mot kroppen. Gutten gråter konstant og hyler fortvilt.
Jeg snakker med Jean fra Christian Peacemaker Team som holder til i Hebron om det som skjer: "Akkurat nå ser bare de voksne på det som skjer, men barna føler et ansvar for framtiden. Det verste som kan bli gjort mot dem er å bli tatt fra dem gudshuset sitt. Det finnes ikke noe farligere enn det. Vi tror at han (Benyamin Netanyahu) prøver å fremprovosere et opprør, en intifada".
Jeg spør henne om hun tror det vil bli en tredje intifada: "Jeg håper ikke at det blir det. Jeg ber for at det ikke skal skje, for da kommer det til å bli mye verre enn nå. Og dette er historien. Under hvert opprør så er det barna som har stått for kampen".
Etterhvert roer kampene seg og etter å ha besøkt Hashem setter jeg meg på bussen hjem, med tårer som presser på. Sjåføren spør meg om hvor jeg kommer fra, og når han hører at jeg er fra Norge peker han på et bilde i vinduet av han og sønnen sin på 4 år og spør om jeg kan hjelpe han bort.
Det kan jeg ikke. For akkurat nå kan jeg ikke hjelpe noen. Aldri noensinne. Jeg tar fram favorittdiktet mitt fra lomma som pleier å trøste meg når det står på som verst:
De tror det er mot
som gjør
at jeg velger kampen
tvang er det
til å forsøke å forandre
De tror det er lyst
som gjør
at jeg velger utfordringen
angst er det
for at alt bare skal fortsette
De tror jeg er tykkhudet
fordi jeg kjemper og utfordrer
gråter gjør jeg
og blør
kan allikevel ikke annet
Jeg kaster det ut av vinduet, mens jeg kjenner tårene renne ukontrollert nedover kinnene mine
Labels: guest, in norwegian
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Debatten fortsetter i Nuuk
Nuuk Ugeavis har åpnet en debattside for å motta synspunkter og meninger om bymidtens fremtid. Dette innlegget av Ane Geraae går direkte inn i vår diskusjon:
Vi må bare tage den tid, det tager at bygge byen op. Vi må lære noget af kulturchokket, vi har været udsat for. Derfor er det dummeste, vi kan gøre, at sætte kort tidsfrist til juni 2010. Efter min mening er det vigtigt, at vi ikke levere den samme vare og adfærd, som vi så og blev udsat for i 60’erne og 70’erne, altså hastige beslutninger over kort tid. Brug den tid, det tager, at debatere planen med byen. Sørg for så at så mange usikkerhedsmomenter som mulig er ude af debatten."
Labels: Greenlandos d'Amour, in norwegian
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Yesterday two of our friends tipt us simultaniously about a blogpost on BLDGBLOG about Inuit tactile maps of the Greenland coastline. Marianne Skjulhaug called from Bergen and Ross Langdon sent a mail from Uganda (!). Follow the link and learn more. It is truly intriguing.
The carving is 300 years old and shows the coastline with fjords, islands, nunataks and glaciers. The outline of the coast is carried up one side and down the other.
Later today, Aviaaja and Helena from tnt nuuk is coming to stay the week in Tromsø on our 3'rd workshop about Nuup Qeqqani. We are sure they can tell us more about these maps and maybee we can see them for ourselves the next time we go to Nuuk...
Demonstrasjon i Bi'lin // guest blogger
Erik Skare fra Tromsø er i Palestina og Libanon fra 15. februar til 21. mars. Her skal han dra rundt å intervjue palestinere om deres situasjon, ta bilder og dokumentere okkupasjonen av palestinsk jord i prakis. Bilder og tekst er tatt og skrevet av Erik som er vår gjesteblogger mens han er på reise.
Bi'lin som er lokalisert i Ramallah- og al-Birehdistriktet med sine 1800 innbyggere har, siden muren ble bygget rundt landsbyen i 2005, organisert demonstrasjoner hver fredag. De er stemplet som ikke-voldelige, men ender i hovedsak med steinkasting etterfulgt av tåregass, skyting av gummikuler og skarp ammunisjon.
Les hele innlegget her
Labels: guest, in norwegian
Thursday, February 18, 2010
There ain't no cure for love, but there might just be one for the climate?
"KLIMAKUR 2020 - tiltak og virkemidler for å nå norske klimamål mot 2020"
Labels: climate change
Monday, February 15, 2010
They explore the future Jæren Landscape
This is the title on the journalist Odd Pihlstrøms article in Stavanger Aftenblad Monday the 15th of February. Odd Pihlstrøm opened up and connected us to a series of voices in the Jæren agricultural Landscape. Four of this voices, and Odd Pihlstrøm, attended our debate studio set up at Ona Lighthouse (see the attached article) in a beautiful afternoon on the brim of the Atantic. An open and intense discussion took place for three hours, with the student eagerly participating – Oh What a Perfect Day.
On our three day journey in Jæren, brilliant organized by Alice Labadini, we set up five such studios in different places with impressive participation from cutting edge environments in Stavanger.
De utforsker framtidens jærlandskap - PDF,
See the studio-blog: appearing-and-disappearing-landscapes. Photo: Odd Philstrøm, Stavanger Aftenblad
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Nuuk pressroom
The local press in Nuuk is continuously following the Tuujuk an Blok P project (in the middle of the world/in the hearth of Nuuk) as it evolves through dialogues with the public, think tanks, city walks/Nuuk Safaris etc. The journalists are making their own contributions through interviews with people living in the area, interviews with politicians and so on. The newspapers are inviting to a series of chronicles on the topic "The appearing and disappearing Nuuk". The small editorial on top of this post, "Democracy commits", is quite stunning with its strengthening of the importance of direct, face to face, eye to eye dialogue between the politicians, the architects and the residents of all kind. And the editorial announces these new attitudes and methods as very appropriate and to the point for the larger debate on the future of Greenland, relating to aluminium melting plants, exploitation of Uran and mining concessions of all types. The point, the editorial states, is for the politicians to be very aware of what is said and to take it to their heart and mind. The language in these articles is Greenlandic and Danish. More English short versions are to follow.
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, in english, urbanism
This Postcard is a starting point for an exploration of the Nuuk to come. The shivering line guided the followers of the Nuuk Safari. This site in the capital contains many aspects of Greenland colonial history, and is a political hot topic. The long line in the middle is Blok P, which at one point in history contained 1% of the Greenland population. The conversations on the Nuuk Safari unfolded all shades of this history. One social worker characterized Blok P as "an evil circle shaped as a building". The housing minister of the Self Government, who took part in the Safari, has stated that Blok P is to be demolished in 2011; it is a main political ambition. A series of proposals from different architects in the last 20 years has proposed solutions for revitalization of Blok P. None has come to life - and the standard is on a level of being derelict. A large part of the surrounding blocks and row houses is also in the searchlight of demolition - in time to come. So, this postcard, and the walking line, is empowered by memories, anger, hopelessness and possibly new hope. It’s an explosive postcard, now in the hands of the people of Nuuk.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Nuuk today
Labels: Greenlandos d'Amour, in english, urbanism
Friday, February 5, 2010
Seismograph City - Berlin
The Seismograph City exhibition has now moved to Berlin. Nordhavnen / Excentral Park - Edge Dynamics is exhibited together with other projects under the the title Sustainable Strategies in Dialogue.
Eröffnung/Opening: Freitag, 22. Januar 2010 um 18.30
Ort/Location: Studio bei Aedes am Pfefferberg, Christinenstr. 18-19, 10119 Berlin
Ausstellungsdauer/Duration: 22. Januar - 4. März 2010
The City not only defines itself as a generator of cultural, social, economic and ecological processes, but also as a seismograph of global developments. Climate change and its impacts, present new challenges for cities, which in Hamburg have guided a re-evaluation of necessary activities in this regard. In 2011, as "European Green Capital", Hamburg will be designated Climate Capital of Europe. The Seismograph City exhibition gives a fascinating view of the current status of the architectural and urban planning development of this Hanseatic city, in dialogue other cities and countries worldwide.
Labels: dialogue, in english, project
Sunday, January 31, 2010
NUUK SAFARI-illoqarfimmi angalaaqatigiinneq
Today we have been reading a paper titled "The Tromsø Experiment: Opening up for the unknown" (written in Melbourne!) to be published later this year. The poster Nuuk Safari extends practices and methods from The City Development Year/CDY in Tromsø to Nuuk in Greenland.
D&U, with tnt nuuk architects, is involved in the transformation of this city and its center. Self-Government of Greenland and the City of Nuuk, by its Mayor has invited us into this very challenging task. May bee the most important thing for us to learn is Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit "the Inuit way of doing things".
Next week we take off to the second Nuuk Think-Tank. Dialogue, debate and city walks. The project blog is up and going, you can follow the process at Nunarsup Qeqqani // Nuup Qeqqani - In the middle of the world // In the heart of Nuuk..
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, in english, project, urbanism
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Cornerstone Ceremony // MySpace, E9 winner, to be built in Trondheim
The winning entry in Europan 9 in Trondheim, the student housing project, is to be built, and will be opened in 2011. This image and the clip from Adresseavisen in Trondheim is from the Cornerstone Ceremony at the site on Wednesday the 27th.
The Minister of Research and Knowledge, Tora Aasland, was present at the ceremony. So where the Mayor of Trondheim Rita Ottervik, Torunn Hegre from the board of the builder, SIT, and Bård Flem from SIT who has been a driving force in making this come through ,and many more as you can see. Juan Elvira and Enrique Krahe from the winning Spanish tema MEK was eagerly present. Hilde Bøkestad and Frederik Shetelig from the Europan Board gave a small speech on Europan and the importance of this event in Trondheim. The president, KED, was not there due to storms in Nothern Norway. The Cornerstone contains drawings, newspapers of the day from Madrid and Trondheim and more interesting things
Labels: Europan, in english
Monday, January 25, 2010
Europan 9 winner, MySpace, to be built in Trondheim
On Wednesday the 27th of January at 14.00, Knut Eirik as president of Europan Norway, is invited to Trondheim at the corner stone ceremony for the Europan 9 winning entry, MySpace. The builder, Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim is proudly inviting to this important event. Both for them, the city, Europan and the winning Spanish team based in Rotterdam and Madrid; Murado, Elvira and Krahe.
The Knowledge and Science minister Thora Haug will be present. So will the architects.
The project is now starting construction and will be finished in 2011, an important year for Trondheim. More to come on this issue later.
Labels: Europan, in english
Arctic Frontiers 2010
Tromsø-24-29 January 2010
Arctic Frontiers policy section will be broadcast live via the internet in English and Russian.
Click here to view the full schedule and links.
My favorite presentations:
wednesday 27.2.
The Principles and Practices of Inuit Governance Gary N. Wilson Department of Political Science, University of Northern British Columbia
Oil and Gas DevelopmentsCurse or Blessing for Community Sustainability? The Relationship between Regional Authorities and theOil and Gas IndustryPeter R. Sinclair Memorial University and University of Waterloo, Canada
Labels: climate change, in english, media, Outlandos d'Amour, Tromsø
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Encircling the Field
City as Biotope - The Book
I’m sitting whit a fresh copy of city as biotope mosaic::reading // mindfield malmö in my hands. Magdalena and Gisle has really done a great job editing this book! The freshness from the blog is captured and our BAS students have also wonderfully presented the essence of their projects. Happy happy!
You can order it from our friends in 70°N by mailing or buy it from BAS by contacting for 200,-. It is also possible to download as low res pdf here: City as Biotope PDF (44,5M)
Thanks to all the students and contributors!
Labels: in english, ONLINE PAPERS, publication
Monday, January 18, 2010
Europan 10 days in Oslo - Prize ceremony at DogA
Last week the winners of the Europan 10 competition i Norway was announced at a grand price ceremony at DogA in Oslo, crowded house with eager people kewing up outside.
At the same vent it was the opening of Eurovisions. A smashing exhibition of the winning entries in the three cities Vardø, Trondheim and Oslo organized by Norsk Form, created by Fantastic Norway with Europan support. See;
The minister Karl Erik Schjøtt Pedersen (born and raised in Vardø) gave an opening speech about the importance of Europan for the National govenments policy on architecture and urbanism. Nina Berre, the newly appointed director of architecture at The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (now head of Norsk Form) gave a fien speech also relating Europan Norway to is late founder Cornelius Brekke.
Kjersti Nerseth, the President of NAL gave a speech which you can read here in pdf format; arkitektnytt
Winner in Vardø: Repositioning the Remote
Ana Reis, Portugal // Ross Langdon, Australia // Kelly Doran, Canada //Louis Hall, United Kingdom

Winner in Trondheim: Proscenium
Marianna Rentzou, Greece // Alexandros Gerousis, Greece // Beth Hughes, Australia

And the president of Europan, KED, gave a speech in five themes. The content of this speech you can find in the Europan 10 book released at the prize ceremony, in KEDs and Marianne Skjulhaugs editorial “In the aftermath of….”: By the book here The following day was continuos an optimistic workshops with the representatives of the three cities and the prize winning themes. KED was present at the Vardö workshop which he looks upon as a “break on through to the other side”. The dialogues in the other two workshop also evolved very well according to the architects and the cities. Look up the blog of jury member Regine Debatay and her engaged version of her participation in the jury and the Vardö project experience: we-make-money-not-art Follow the debate in Finnmark : on this address In other words: Europan 10 in Oslo was a stunning experience! And I will direct my thanks especially to he secretaries of Europan Øystein Rø and Espen Røyseland, the mavericks of the project platform and gallery 0047
Labels: Europan, in english