The next step for the young architects in and with the cities where laid out at a workshop the day after.The Book of Results where on the table at this ceremony. Knut Eirik has written the text “Fighting on other Barricades” as an introduction to the book , for you to read.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Europan 11 Norway Book of Results
The next step for the young architects in and with the cities where laid out at a workshop the day after.The Book of Results where on the table at this ceremony. Knut Eirik has written the text “Fighting on other Barricades” as an introduction to the book , for you to read.
Labels: Europan, in english
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Valencia debates - shear energy
Monday, December 5, 2011
Europan 11 Prize Ceremony
Labels: Europan, in english
Thursday, November 10, 2011
going south x 2
We will elaborate on some of our findings seeing our projects as touchstones in the Nordic landscape. At the Europan Forum in Oslo KED was involved in series of discussions on the tensions in Spain, Portugal et al.So being present in Spain today must be quite an experience. Belinda Tato and Ecosistema Urbano from Madrid are now in Hamar working for two months, in direct dialogue with the people in Hamar, with the project Dream Hamar. We find this Spanish/Norwegian interchange really enlightening. Angel Borrego Cubero, professor at ETSAM, was interviewed by Bryan Farrel in May under the title "The beauty and vision of Spain’s "revolution". Here he talks about the role of young architects in the new Spanish realities.
We really look forward to our Spanish journey.
Labels: dialogue, in english, Outlandos d'Amour
Monday, October 31, 2011
competitive futures
Knut Eirik, President of Europan Norway, is on his way to EUROPAN FORUM in Oslo this weekend, The Forum of Cities and Juries brings together the 17 Europan national structures, members of the 14 juries, and representatives of the 49 sites involved in Europan 11. The Forum of Cities and Juries is structured as a series of debates, working groups, architectural excursions and social gatherings to discuss solutions and focus adjudication of the entries that have been short-listed by national juries. New in the Europan Forum context is the public and academic program constructing The Europan Week in Oslo.
Kjerstin is going to Harstad to participate in the jury for the Open Idea Competition on sustainable urban development. The exhibition of entries opens tomorrow at 6 pm in Harstad.
Labels: urbanism
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Knut Eirik and Kjerstin are giving the opening Lecture at the 3rd International Conference on Art and Environment at the Art and Environment Research Centre (CIAE), Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) 16th of November.
North latitude: Ethics and aestethics of living 16 17 18 nov 2011:
“We understand that a society is projected towards the future in accordance with its own traditions, yet there is strong confrontation with the new realities that value the citizen, the environment or sustainability. That is why this conference which focuses its attention on environments in certain environments of the Nordic Council (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway or Iceland). The capitals of these countries are world leaders in terms of environmental culture. Committed to a set of values, they are examples of societies facing the challenges that lie ahead and can provide us with interesting strategies stemming from their proven experience.”
3 days with, lectures, paper readings and round table conversations + warm weather and long nights! We are really looking forward to meet the organizers, mediators, students and the other lecturers:
Maria Hellström Reimer (Malmø) A visual artist and professor in design theory at Malmö University, School of Arts and Communication. Tone Lindheim (Oslo) Landscape architect, partner in Bjorbekk & Lindheim landscape architects. Luis Navarro (Valencia) Writer and promoter of the 90s underground collective for aesthetic action known as Industrias Mikuerpo and the fanzine, Amano, and coordinator for the independent publisher Literatura Gris, committed to the recovery of the situacionista legacy and formed part of Maldeojo, a collective of critical thinkers. Fernando Gaja i Díaz (Valencia) Urban planner and Senior Lecturer in Urbanism and Regional Planning at the Department of Urbanism (UPV). Amador Fernández-Savater (Madrid) Independent researcher and engaged thinker. Perhaps the label that best defines him is editor as his thoughts and energies are directed toward thinking processes: the challenge of registering, synthesising, coordinating and communicating fragments of discourse. Boke Bazán (Valencia) Senior Lecturer in the Master’s Programme in Design and Illustration at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia, (UPV) and in Master’s Programme in Design Engineering at Valencia’s ESET school (Universidad CEU).Peret; Pedro Torrent (Barcelona): He works in graphic design, illustration, photography, sculpture and stage design. He has held 16 individual exhibitions (Spain, France, Japan, and México) and about one hundred collective ones in 24 countries. Luis Eslava Studio (Valencia) Luis Eslava and Lorena Sauras “gear their studio towards the creation of global projects, product design and spatial design.”
Labels: dialogue, in english, Outlandos d'Amour
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Award winner for best Nordic urban plan
Nunarsuup qeqqani - Nuup qeqqani won the best Nordic urban plan award at the Nordic architecture festival – Arkitekturmässan, in Gothenburg.
”The jury commended the clear and strong narrative that resulted from an intense research and exchange with the local community. The plan comprises a contemporary approach to landscape and cultural issues. This is a convincing project that pushes the boundaries between many disciplines and is not afraid to touch on the hard social ambiguities and the adverse local conditions. It subtly deals with different typologies and introduces urban qualities by creating diversity and a balanced density.”
Project credits: Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq has in collaboration with The Government of Greenland prepared a comprehensive master plan for the Tuujuk and Block P areas in Nuuk. The masterplan NUNARSUUP QEQQANi / / Nuup QEQQANi / In the Middle of the World / / In the Middle of Nuuk has been developed after advice from Dahl & Uhre architects, (Tromsø) and tnt nuuk a/s. Project leader for the municipality: Jakob Bjerg Exner, project team leader: Knut Eirik Dahl. Additional assistance on master plan by MDH Architects (Oslo) and Asplan Viak landscape (Oslo). Energy advise by Steinsvik Arkitekter AS (Tromsø) and INUPLAN A/S (Nuuk). Additional guest projects that have contributed significantly to the project’s development have been provided by Fantastic Norway (Oslo), MDH Architects sa (Oslo), 42 architects + Regional associates (London) and tnt nuuk a/s, M: ARC ApS and Arkitekti ApS (Nuuk).
The plan has been developed in continuous dialogue with citizens and interest groups in Nuuk and with a broad specter of Nordic voices (the Tromsø Conversations).
For more information about the nominees and jury: Arkitekturmässans Award 2011.
Labels: Greenlandos d'Amour, in english, project
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
2360 + 16 views on the book online!
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, ONLINE PAPERS, project
Nunarsuup Qeqqani/Nuup Qeqqani is nominated to a Scandinavian Award,category urban planning. link to Arkitekturmässans Award. Congratulations to project owners, collaborators and dialogue partners in Nuuk and the world!
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, project
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Conversation on art + architecture!
Defining, designing, building and activating spaces are the creative base for architecture. Ultimately these are also concerns which affect contemporary art practices in general. The method of research in the physical environment and in the human nature and psychology is another. Art and Architecture from their different positions, base their work upon the understanding of the society and cultural codes for delivering concepts and new ideas.
We acknowledge the independency and eligibility of each profession but also question: Are art and architecture just two parallel lines? If not, how and where do they meet? Are there crossing points? Is there something more than gravity fields, a mutual attraction that forms common environments for understanding, describing and transforming the world? Do they fuel, intensify or fertilize each other? Or is it just the sharing of clients and concepts that is inspiring them to collaborate on mutual interests? Is there an art + architecture? Conceptually or even physically?
In the panel:
Joseph Grima, Editor in chief of Domus magazine and ex-director of StoreFront gallery in NYC
Gunnar B. Kvaran, Director Astrup Fearnly Museum of contemporary art
Marit Justine Haugen, Artist and architect, Haugen & Zohar Architects, Oslo
Dagur Eggertsson, architect Rintala Eggertsson Architects, Oslo
Knut Eirik Dahl, architect D&U, Tromsø and professor at the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape at AHO in Oslo
Juan Herreros, architect, Herreros Arquitectos, Madrid
Among others and the public.
Labels: dialogue, in english
Friday, August 12, 2011
Labels: guest, in english, The Map Collection
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Vi hører fra Nuuk at utstillingen er godt besøgt, at skolene begynner å gi tilbakemeldinger og at Illimarfik virker interessert i å koble det på deres undervisning… I dag kommer 25 studenter fra bygge og anleggskolen og 5 fra kunstskolen på omvisning. Kommuneqarfik Sermersook er også invitert til å medvirke i KNRs debatprogram ”Tamassa”.
Utstillingen er lagt ut som nettpublikasjon, klikk zoom og les! det kan ta noe tid før sidene oppdaterer seg...
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, project, publication
Thursday, May 5, 2011
RECAST - scener fra Jæren
I dag, 5. mai åpner utstillingen RECAST - scener fra Jæren på KINO KINO i Sandnes.
Utstillingen tar opp arkitekturens rolle i forhold til endrede forutsetninger og utfordringer som nord Jæren regionen står overfor når oljealderen går mot slutten. I de siste 40 år har oljeindustrien vært en avgjørende drivkraft i forbindelse med den omfattende utviklingen som har funnet sted. Stavanger, som Norges oljehovedstad, har gjennomgått et stort framskritt fra å være en av Norges fattigste byer til å bli en av de rikeste.
Et tilbakevendende spørsmål er hva som vil skje med videreutviklingen av byregionen når oljeressursene i Nordsjøen ikke lenger er drivkraft i den lokale økonomien.
Utstillingen er laget i samarbeid med Stavanger Arkitektforening og ARKITEKTURENS ÅR. Det er et av 3 lokale prosjekter som markerer SAF’s 75 års jubileum. AHOs master studio "Appearing and Disappearing Landscapes" (våren 2010) og Snøhettas Sandnesprosjekt presenteres i denne utstillingen. More to come.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Go through the Exhibition
Nuuk TV interviews Jakob Bjerg Exner, Sermersooq Municipality (Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq) just before the exhibition Midt i verden /Midt i Nuuk (in The Middle of the World/ in The Middle of Nuuk) opens its doors. Link: NUUK TV
Labels: dialogue, Greenlandos d'Amour, media, urbanism
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
In The Middle of The World / In The Middle of Nuuk
We are on our way to Nuuk and Greenland.Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq, Sermersooq Municipality has in collaboration with Kalaallit Nunaanni Namminersorlutik Oqartussat, The Government of Greenland prepared a comprehensive master plan for the Tuujuk and Block, P areas. The exhibition of the Master Plan proposal for parts of the City Centre of the Capital Nuuk, titled In The Middle of The World/In The Middle of Nuuk , opens on the 5th of April. Our guests and collaborators, Minna Riska from MDH architects , Johan Berglund from 42architects + regionalasscosiates and Anders Hus Folkedal from Aspan Viak Landscape travel with us. Håkon Matre from Fantastic Norway has to stay at home, with his newly born child. In Greenland we will team up with our partners in TNT Nuuk architects and all our connections and friends. The exhibition will be open at least until the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Arctic Council in Nuuk from the 10th to the !6th of May. A series of discussions will follow the exhibition: To exhibit is to open up! More to come on this
sermersooq press release: For better or worse, the Tuujuk and Block P developments stand as symbols of a time of great social and cultural challenges. But the buildings are also valued for their central location and is home to people with resources. The ties between the residents and the energy that exists, is strong. After a lifetime of 40 years, block P with its 135 apartments and 50 residential dwellings is due for demolition, and Block A - L in Tuujuk with 156 apartments will be undergoing a phased demolition over a period of years. The problem surrounding the buildings is simple - as time has passed, the housing has become outdated. In the process of rebuilding the areas, a number of important questions must be asked: What qualities exists today and what new possibilities and qualities should we aim to produce? What kind of life and environments should we strive to generate? What type of town should it be? What role could the district play in Nuuk's overall development? In short: What kind of capital city should we aim for? To answer these questions, new experiences must be acquired and new knowledge learned and understood. Our existing thought Models need to be renewed. Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq has in collaboration with The Government of Greenland prepared a comprehensive master plan for the Tuujuk and Block, P areas. The masterplan NUNARSUUP QEQQANi / / Nuup QEQQANi / In The Middle of the World / / In the Middle of NUUK has been developed after advice from Dahl & Uhre architects (Tromsø) and TNTnuuk A / S. Additionally, MDH Architects (Oslo), Fantastic Norway (Oslo), 42 architects + Regional associates (London), Asplan Viak landscape (Oslo) M: ARC and Arkitekti (Nuuk) has also contributed significantly to the project's development. The plan is developed in ongoing dialogue with residents and stakeholders and originates from a desire and willingness to provide Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, with new development opportunities for the city and its citizens. The plan seeks to ask and answer the right questions, which will be required to achieve this vision
Labels: architecture, Greenlandos d'Amour, guest, in english, landscape, media, project